The Lime Cycle
Lime plaster doesn’t work because anything would have, but we just happened to choose limestone. It works because of an amazing process known as The Lime Cycle. Whether it is Venetian, Tadelakt, or Concrete Plastering, the same chemical processes that make this stone alchemy possible are in effect. Take a look at how this ancient discovery works, and why it is the perfect solution to modern day issues and concerns.

Concrete Plaster
Concrete Plaster (lime plaster mixed with Portland cement) brings the chic, versatile, industrial feel of concrete into your home or business. Able to be worked into a myriad of finishes, looks and styles, concrete plaster is something you should definitely consider for your next design project. Contact Apollyon Wall Design today - 509.828.2964

What is “Venetian Plaster?”
The term Venetian Plaster has become a kind of catchall term for a variety of distinct products that all have one thing in common. Learn about lime plaster, what “Venetian Plaster” actually is, and the variety of finishes and uses this ancient and versatile material can achieve.

What is Tadelakt?
Tadelakt is an ancient lime-based plaster system for use in wet areas such as showers, bathrooms, kitchens, bars, restaurants, and anywhere else you want the luxury of natural stone with the durability of Tadelakt’s water-resistance.